
I’d like to discuss with you subjects such as Spirituality, Creation, awakening, consciousness, life purpose, incarnation or subjects like religion, our reality, modern science and Spirituality, politics and so forth.

Please contact me to talk and make arrangements.

The world is changing, substantially. More governmental control, fewer human rights and more political and even warlike conflicts correlate with a collective and individual rising of consciousness. Humanity is evolving, there is no way back; it is not as obvious as you would expect because mainstream media avoids that subject. But the number of humans which have awakened in the last decade and see the Truth now is staggering.

Individuals discover their Spirituality, they change their perception and their way of thinking. They scrutinise their current lives and ask themselves, why they are doing things like they do. Why are they thinking the way they think? Why do they face the same problems again and again? They question their beliefs which have been the foundation of their lives. Some go further and question hierarchies, the economic system, politics, religion and even the sacred cow, the monetary system.

We have been taught by our parents and told to believe what they and others believe; we internalised a presentation of reality as it was and is continuously developed and propagated by the educational system, political parties, the economy, religion, the mass media and society itself. We couldn’t choose. Thus, we make use of a predefined thinking and behavioural pattern to survive and avoid “anything major going wrong”. We don’t want to stick out. We duck down. Hence, we almost function like a machine. An instruction manual on “how a human operates” could easily be written. We are prisoners without noticing the walls around us.

You can continue with your daily grind, the status quo, which actually gives you a feeling of security.

But is there not something whispering in you? Something worth listening to? Could that whispering indicate that there is more to life, a purpose, something to fulfill, something to strive for? Are you not worth to listen to yourself and pay attention to your life purpose?

You may have an unconscious feeling that something is wrong looking at the same problems all over the place, on a personal and family level as well as in the public arena for example in politics, economics, religion, and so forth.

However, you can’t change the world. Not even those closest to you. But you can change yourself. All change begins within oneself. And with every human awakening the collective awakening gains momentum.

Miraculously, when you start contemplating and changing, at a very early stage your life feels lighter, little aches and pains vanish, optimism comes up, you see more options in your life, and problems mutate to challenges which are easier to master.

Everyone has their own purpose to live, resulting in their very own journey. It’s never too early to start looking at what your Soul’s agenda might be. The Truth lies within you.

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021 1324707

From Overseas:

+64 21 1324707



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