Spiritual counselling logo and sunrise photo
My Spiritual Counselling logo

depicts an octahedron

within a shen

The Octahedron is a regular polyhedron with eight faces which all are equilateral triangles. It is one of the 5 Platonic Solids. In other words it consists of 2 pyramids united at their common base. The Platonic Solids correlate with the 5 elements Earth, Water, Air, Fire, (A)Ether; the Octahedron represents “Air”. It is associated with the heart chakra the centre of love and compassion.
The Shen is a hieroglyphic representation of a coiled rope. It dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, where it was an emblem of divinity. The rope that has no beginning and no end symbolised eternity. The Shen was also a symbol of protection.
I took the sunrise photos in Napier, New Zealand, on 1 January 2014.